Thursday, December 15, 2011

It Ain't Wrapping Paper...

Sorry for the late notice, but.... If you head over to the site, you'll find a 12-day advent calendar, with new models posted every night between 11PM and midnight (PST) from now until the Big  Day! The interface is a bit clunky (I built it last minute), so for some of you it may be a slow load, but be patient, and it should all work out fine. Please let me know how you like the models, and if you have any "issues" with the interface. Cheers!


  1. Green Lantern and The Guardian, most excellent. The ring effects are great.

  2. You wanted 'issues', here they are. :-)
    I'm only able to get the Green Lantern ornament to light up. I keep refreshing the page, but nothing else lights up.
    By the way, the GL figure is terrific. The ring effects are a nice touch. I might use them with the Golden Age GL.

  3. doctorwho_03 - Try clicking on the red ornament on the right hand side AFTER opening the Green Lantern, you should be able to get the next model!
    Prof - Thanks again for more great models!

  4. Ok, now I understand how it works. My bad. User error. :-)

  5. Commander Koenig! I can't believe! So many thanx!

  6. Love Space 1999 Love the model - can't wait to see tomorrows!

  7. Merry Christmas! Thanks for the wonderful models!

  8. amazing the last gift love it!but you think that you can put also the box for downloading?

  9. btw merry christmas and thank you!!

  10. Thanks so much for the comments friends. Glad you enjoyed our little gifts. Hope you get as much fun out of them as we had making them!

    Sorry, but the box is only a digital figment of my Photoshopped imagination. But maybe I could work something up :)

    Happy Holidays to you and yours!

    The Prof

  11. A couple of people have commented on it, so I was prompted to add a little bonus gift to the 12th day page. Read the comments here and poke around the page a bit, and you're bound to find it!

